Russia Platform - CERISE lecture: Frank De Winne

Jan 11, 2018
Frank De Winne © ESA
Frank De Winne © ESA

Frank De Winne: “International Cooperation in Space Exploration – Current and Future Plans for ESA, the international partners and Russia”.

Frank De Winne was born in Ghent and obtained a Masters degree in Telecommunications and Civil Engineering from the Royal Military Academy in 1984. He’s a former Belgian air force test pilot, and the first-ever European commander of the ISS. He flew a 9-day mission to the ISS in 2002 and a six month mission to the ISS in 2009.

Since 2012 he is heading the European Astronaut Centre of the European Space Agency. He received an honory doctorate at Ghent University in 2010.

The lecture is followed by a reception.

Free online registration is required.

12/02, 19:30-21:00 
Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, 9000 Gent

Language: English

Vorig artikel Tables de conversation en russe
Volgend artikel Toergenjev-salon: Een maand op het land

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